the beat oracle

select date:

03 march 12

Artist Song Release Label Start Time
The Advisory Circle Now Ends The Beginning As The Crow Flies Ghost Box 00:01:38
Belbury Poly Unforgotten Town The Belbury Tales Ghost Box 00:05:00
Suzanne Ciani Sound Of A Dream Kissing Lixiviation Ciani/Music Inc. 1969-1985 Finders Keepers Records 00:09:13
The Modernist Eurojah (Immigrant Dub) Staedtizism ~scape 00:10:07
F.C. Judd China Bowl Electronics Without Tears Public Information 00:14:56
Steinvord Backyard Steinvord Rephlex 00:16:26
Kyoka 23 iSH Ish Raster-Noton 00:19:50
Monolake Aligning The Daemon Ghosts Monolake / Imbalance Computer Music 00:23:51
Shed The Praetorian The Praetorian / RQ-170 Fifty Weapons 00:28:50
Slam Emotive Headstates Soma Quality Recordings 00:34:27
Exoplanet Indium Antennae Synthetic Evolution Particles 00:41:00
Asa & With Joyful Lips Forgotten Françoise / Forgotten / Leave the Light On Remix EP Fent Plates Records 00:46:28
The Flashbulb Precisely Wrong Opus At The End Of Everything Alphabasic 00:51:30
Yppah R. Mullen Eighty One Ninja Tune 00:56:00
Breton The Commission Other People's Problems FatCat Records 00:59:49
Burial Loner Kindred EP Hyperdub 01:04:05
Darkhalo Lost Memory A Million Drops Self-Released 01:10:04
SBTRKT Hold On (Sisi BakBak remix) Hold On Young Turks 01:15:40
Objekt Porcupine Cactus / Porcupine Hessle Audio 01:21:56
Battles Africastle (Kode9 Remix) Dross Glop 2 Warp 01:26:48
Jacques Greene Arrow (Featuring Koreless) Concealer Vase 01:31:43
Joy Orbison & Boddika Froth Froth / Mercy SunkLo 01:40:02
Scuba Cognitive Dissonance Personality Hotflush Recordings 01:45:41
Ametsub Repeatedly (Helios Remix) Repeatedly (Helios Remix) Mille Plateaux 01:50:10