the beat oracle

select date:

23 august 14

Artist Song Release Label Start Time
ยต-Ziq Taxi Sadness Rediffusion Planet Mu 00:01:35
Special Request Mindwash Soul Music Houndstooth 00:04:02
Strategy Mesohippus Pressure Wassure Peak Oil 00:10:18
Laurel Halo Chance Of Rain Chance Of Rain Hyperdub 00:17:39
Julius Steinhoff Under A Waterfall Flocking Behaviour Smallville Records 00:24:40
Anthony Naples Perro Zipacon The Trilogy Tapes 00:32:00
Christian Kleine Quentin Beyond Repair City Centre Offices 00:40:18
aus Beyond The Curve Lang Preco 00:45:30
Donato Wharton Terminus Trabanten City Centre Offices 00:51:18
Tujiko Noriko Tablet For Memory Blurred In My Mirror Room40 00:57:20
Miwon Hush Pale Glitter City Centre Offices 01:04:00
Dettinger Untitled Oasis Kompakt 01:07:35
Snd 02 Makesnd Cassette Mille Plateaux 01:12:40
Abfahrt Hinwil Radiowellen Links Berge Rechts Seen Toytronic 01:17:20 athousandmiles Terrestrial Self-released 01:20:34
Machinedrum Offs (Sabi's Salty Frost Remix) Mergerz & Acquisitionz Merck 01:25:46
Kettel Kitana Myam James 2 Sending Orbs 01:30:26
CiM Hitachi Do Not Multiply Models Ann Aimee 01:35:34
Joseph Nothing A Shine On Your Head Dummy Variations Planet Mu 01:37:21
Rusko Rusko Theme ! FMLY 01:41:14
Boxcutter Shea Shea EP Kinnego Records 01:44:20
Simulant Wav. Form Simm City Scopex 01:49:30