New Air Time

Starting this week The Beat Oracle will be now airing from 6pm to 8pm on Saturday nights. This time change comes due to an unfortunate FCC ruling on a complaint sent by WCRS‘s LPFM timeshare “partner” WCRX limiting WCRS‘s air time to 3-8pm every day. The reduction of 8-hours of community programming unheard elsewhere on the airwaves in Columbus is particularly devastating to both the community of listeners and the station’s viability.

If you would like to see WCRS air more hours of the day, we would appreciate it if you write a note with your support of WCRS and it’s local programming to these people at the FCC: taft.snowdon [at], michael.wagner [at], peter.doyle [at], and alan.schneider [at] Please include your name, address, and the file numbers DA 10-763 and 1800B3-MM and the call letters and facility number: WCRS facility # 132329

Regardless of that setback for our station, we believe 6-8pm Saturdays will be a great time to air. Our show can psych you up for your Saturday night goings-on. Tune in this week to hear brand new mixes from Beat Oracle favorites Ruckus Roboticus & Deaf Dot Electrics.

This entry was written by michael , posted on Friday May 14 2010 at 06:05 am , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “New Air Time”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Beat Oracle. The Beat Oracle said: Starting tomorrow, we have a new time slot! The Beat Oracle will be airing Saturdays from 6-8pm on @WCRS. See […]

  2. Hey guys, just wanted to give you a shout out from Seattle. Love what your givin!