06/02/2012: Made Last

This week marks the end of our series of full strength spring mixes. During the next few months we’ll be mixing shorthanded due to various DJ travels, but the music will still be fresh! It is certainly fresh this week: new psychedelic sounds from Bullion and Belbury Poly, new d&b tunes from Anile & Hybrid Minds and Logistics, and new space electronics from Lone and Distal. Much more included in two hours of adventure. Listen!


This entry was written by michael , posted on Tuesday June 05 2012 at 06:06 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “06/02/2012: Made Last”

  1. I’m blown away. This is the best mix I’ve heard from The Beat Oracle. The whole thing was solid, not a song gone unnoticed. Two hours of adventure indeed!

  2. so it seems, around this time every year you guys mix up something special that thrills,chills, and fulfills…. wherein i find tracks that stick with me forever. dont know what i’d do without TBO… thanks.