10/05/2013: Love Under Laser Light

This week’s mix marks Kenny Lectro’s 5th consecutive trip to that mystic city of synchronicity in the Black Rock Desert. 2013’s Burning Man theme of the Cargo Cult was so overtly otherworldly that the Man was standing atop a giant UFO! Be abducted by the benevolent beats of artists like Lusine, Capital Cities & John Wizards. Let these two hours transport you home (where your heart is) for another day in the meaningful magic of our collective imagination.


This entry was written by kenny , posted on Thursday October 10 2013 at 02:10 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “10/05/2013: Love Under Laser Light”

  1. Love it! Nightmares on Wax “Tapestry” hits the spot. Solid playlist here. I will nickname this mix “stuff I didn’t even know I wanted to hear but now that I did I want to hear more of it.”