11/12/2016: Red is the color of bloodshed

This week’s episode was no breeze to put together. There’s fresh angst from Aesop Rock. Drum and Bass desperation from Netsky. Plus, doomsday warnings upbeat (Mr. Oizo) and downtempo (Robert Babicz)! But it’s all about that new XX song in the middle. Life may seem like it’s on hold at the moment, but music can help us get through. Thanks for listening.


This entry was written by kenny , posted on Tuesday November 15 2016 at 06:11 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

3 Responses to “11/12/2016: Red is the color of bloodshed”

  1. Excellent commentary and content, helps to keep me sane in times of uncertainty.

  2. more than 2 weeks without a show? why? 🙁

  3. Sorry for the 2 week delay! We got busy with work and the Thanksgiving holiday. We’re back this week with the beginning of our look back at 2016. Check out the audio archive for more shows!