It’s Back!

After five months off and some major life happenings past, the Beat Oracle makes it’s triumphant return–and before the end of 2006! I’m hoping to be back weekly, we’ll see how it goes. There’s a little rust in the mic after all that time, but the music is nothing but heat–new stuff from Ryuichi Sakamoto, Working for a Nuclear Free Century, Flying Lotus, J Dilla, Matmos and more! I’ve been a little out of the music loop–let me know what’s good..

Edit: I just realized I somehow didn’t play the Goldfrapp track!  Again, rusty me!  I’ll get that in next week, apologies.

This entry was written by michael , posted on Friday November 17 2006 at 04:11 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

7 Responses to “It’s Back!”

  1. triumphant! plus one victory point!

  2. good to hear you again!

  3. I’m a listener from Switzerland. So nice to hear from you again. Your Podcast is one of the best I know.

  4. Nice work, son. Now let’s have a drink!

  5. Dude! Such a thrill to see some new BO when I come back from vacation! Glad to hear you again, keep it spinning.

  6. Great to have you back!

  7. Hi Michael,

    This is super good news!! I missed the oracle. Good thing I just dropped by to this site and noticed!
