03/03/2012: Micrometric

We emerged from the studio with this top-notch collage of new releases, filled with a diverse range of artists that are pushing the limits of future music. The first half of the show features a return trip to Belbury Poly, the mysterious, frenetic sounds of Steinvord, the latest from Monolake, a new single from Shed, and a cut from Exoplanet’s “Synthetic Evolution.” The second half features highlights from the Flashbulb,  more from Yppah’s new album, the gorgeous beats of Burial, Kode9 remixing Battles, Joy Orbison teaming up with Boddika, and a standout from Scuba’s latest LP, “Personality.” It’s high quality, commercial-free, inspired listening for all. Enjoy!


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Monday March 05 2012 at 07:03 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “03/03/2012: Micrometric”

  1. really enjoyed this one.