02/16/2013: Beat and the Pulse

The magic hour into long shadows: 2 hours of new and top tier future music. Part one features releases from  Austra, The Orb featuring the legend Lee “Scratch” Perry, Benoit and Sergio remixing Matthew Dear, Disclosure’s “White Noise” (featuring AlunaGeorge), and new music from Akufen! Part two includes a new single from Natan H, Alva Noto and Byetone collaborating as Diamond Version, the latest single from Actress, the glorious return of Autechre, and TM404, a moniker of Andreas Tilliander. All this and more for opened ears!


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Monday February 18 2013 at 09:02 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “02/16/2013: Beat and the Pulse”

  1. moiré sack was trick!