04/06/2013: Thoughts On The Future

Dystopian? Utopian? Indifference? The end of history, power, men, sex toys, nature, truth, marriage, faith, reason, selfies, cat blogs, education, art, empathy, finance, music, everything? The following episode holds the key to answering  none of it, but it does sound good. New singles from Martyn, Boddika, and The Black Dog. Cole MGN remixing Peaking Lights, Komon & Appleblim teaming up, and Heterotic collaborates with Gravenhurst. More new ones from Bonobo, Clinic, and Synkro. Let it all weigh down upon your shoulders.


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Monday April 08 2013 at 09:04 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “04/06/2013: Thoughts On The Future”

  1. Probly one of the worst beat oracles ever (and i’ve been a subscriber since forever)
    I hate this creepy weirdo stuff, last couple ones were decent tho