09/14/2013: Waltzing through the Cosmos

This week, we present the sixth edition in our annual “Slowly” series. This installment is dedicated to waltzing black holes. The mix is similar in theme to our past mixes. It is a collage of hushed, sometimes drowsy sounds. For this reason, the duration of the show will be uninterrupted by voice. For a satisfactory listening experience we recommend finding a comfortable pair of headphones or a nice stereo, and a quiet place.

Waltzing through the Cosmos

This entry was written by michael , posted on Tuesday September 17 2013 at 03:09 pm , filed under radio shows, slowly . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “09/14/2013: Waltzing through the Cosmos”

  1. Amazing playlist. Loved mixes 1-5. Have you ever listened to ASC’s Deep space mixes? Very similar stuff I think to what you do here. Equally as wonderful.