wedding mix + treetop tales

We had a great show last week with guests from the hibernating Treetop Tales playing a great hip-hop set in the second hour. These guys are taking a quarter off from KCSB, but will be back programming and podcasting at their new site The first hour breaks format (again) while I spin a special wedding mix to be given out to all attendees at my wedding. Enjoy the goods! Feedback is appreciated–especially this week.
I’ve only got one more show at KCSB! Scott Warner (of and Jon (from BH) will be joining me in studio as I wave goodbye to Santa Barbara.

This entry was written by michael , posted on Tuesday June 20 2006 at 02:06 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “wedding mix + treetop tales”

  1. i was at that wedding… and it was beautiful, but i don’t remember getting any mixes from anyone. tell jackie that all the beams in murray, ky said hey…
