05/07/2011: Fresh!

Our friend Scott Warner allowed us to air his latest installment of Fresh! from Dirtyradio this week. Once we heard the mix, we knew we needed to share it. New tracks from Gang Gang Dance, Junior Boys and Peaking Lights are mixed alongside Detroit classics from Drexciya & DJ Rolando. New and old, techno and rock, straightforward and experimental. This mix comes together through Scott’s ability to find impeccable tracks. Enjoy!


This entry was written by michael , posted on Sunday May 08 2011 at 06:05 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “05/07/2011: Fresh!”

  1. Guys… I have just listened to the 1/4 of the mix, but it sounds so enlightening! Great selection.

  2. this mix is brilliant. thanks guys much love