07/21/2012: Dark Current

Something sweetly sinister ran through this week’s episode. Ametsub sets the tone with a choppy cut from his latest album, Smallpeople smooth out the edges, veterans Mohn (Burger + Voight) glide along the landscape, newcomer Gacha delivers an insatiable debut, Baths remixes Lali Puna, Four Tet continues a streak of top 12s, Frog Pocket returns with new sounds and the added joy of typing “Frog Pocket.” Other oldies and classics make way. Manufactured live in the depths of an undisclosed studio..


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Tuesday July 24 2012 at 08:07 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “07/21/2012: Dark Current”

  1. Joseph,
    I’m REALLY enjoying the shows aired on 98.5 FM here in Bali ! (But I’m wondering, what’s the connection with Bali?)
    Your audio archive is too good to be true. Keep up the phenomenal work!