Live Mix Series: 2/3

Kenny is at the helm in our three-part series of Comfest mixes this week. As expected, he brings the dance jams starting off with a retro sound (4mat, Neon Neon) moving towards a more experimental sound with the likes of The Tuss (aka RDJ), Shpongle, and Pendulum.

This entry was written by michael , posted on Wednesday July 23 2008 at 11:07 am , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “Live Mix Series: 2/3”

  1. I have been waiting to feel my childhood addiction to 8bit NES again lately. Where did these 4mat freaks come from? They are killing me hard!!!!! Thank you kenny. keep up the jams 🙂

  2. Kenny killed it! Excellent mix. I’m spreading the word, or rather the beats. Peace.Respect.