09/22/2012: The Futuristic Sounds Of

This week’s episode takes many turns, as it was inspired by the usual, indefinable world of future music. The sounds of Chihei Hatakeyama start things off on a beautiful, abstract note, with new beats following from Jacques Greene and the colorful Black Moth Super Rainbow. The Gaslamp Killer unleashes his “Breakthrough” debut, while the veteran Nathan Fake continues a fine run of form with his latest album “Steam Days.” The latter third of the show features anticipated new music from Yagya, and more from Groundislava’s impressive “Feel Me” LP. Take a trip, for the price of 114 minutes and 38 seconds.


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Wednesday September 26 2012 at 08:09 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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