05/26/2012: Sun Rhombus

Long, lazy weekend of radio waves beamed to outer space: The Micronaut launches part one with another great track from his debut album, Datassette deliver a remix of White Lies’ “Bigger  Than Us,” Austrian producer Parov Stelar drops his latest album in style, Yoshinori Takezawa creates beautiful, understated compositions for Schole Records, Dntel’s new album for Pampa Records delights and amazes, My Bloody Valentine get remastered, Amon Tobin drops a crazy mega boxset, we play the latest from Gold Panda, Senking’s new single drops jaws, and Laurel Halo’s debut full length is released to much anticipation. There’s a lot to take in. Turn the volume up for this one.


This entry was written by joseph , posted on Monday May 28 2012 at 04:05 pm , filed under radio shows . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “05/26/2012: Sun Rhombus”

  1. Thanks for this one, enjoyed it a lot. Was doing some work with it playing in the background, then suddenly, TYCHO! 🙂